XBRL Filing Services

Many companies to file financial statements in full XBRL format


Prepare full set of Financial Statements in XBRL format

Filing of Partial XBRL is no longer applicable. You must now file for Full XBRL financial statements accounts, revised effective from 3 March 2014. Exception applies if your company is exempted.

Your Investment:

$600 per year of Full XBRL Conversion and Filing of full set of financial statements

XBRL Filing Services of $600 per year includes:

  • Conversion from unaudited or audited financial statements accounts report to XBRL format
  • Financial Statement Highlights (“FSH”) in XBRL format
  • Full set of Financial Statements formatted in XBRL in accordance with the Singapore Companies’ Act

XBRL Filing Services

Not including any other services, for example: 

XBRL Filing Services


Why Appoint us for XBRL Filing Services?

  • Our firm is a professional licensed corporate secretarial company. We are registered with ACRA (Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority Singapore) as Filing Agents and Qualified Individuals.
  • We provide you with many other corporate service, a one-stop solution. This fit all your company compliance needs. It includes complying with the government bodies such as ACRA and IRAS.
  • We are a high-tech cloud company secretary firm. Providing you convenience and access to your records anytime, anywhere.

XBRL Filing Services


Steps to Engage us for XBRL Filing Services:

Step 1:

Reach us by contacting us, and email us a copy of your audited or un-audited financial statements report in Ms Word format (or similar)

Step 2:

We send you an official quote, and you pay for our XBRL filing service

Step 3:

We kick-start and commence work immediately, while you take a step back and relax

XBRL Filing Services

Engage Us Today:

Click Here Contact Us

Get in touch with Us:

Name *

Email *

Contact *

Weekdays Preferred Time for Call Back

Type of Services * (Choose 1 or more)
Annual Return FilingCompany IncorporationCorporate SecretarialNominee DirectorNominee ShareholderRegistered Office AddressStrike Off CompanyUnaudited AccountsXBRL FilingYear End Tax Filing

No. of Years since Incorporation



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